Hygienic Method of Marking PartsSMARTmark Lasers mark medical parts and devices in a way that can leave the surface smooth, eliminating bacteria & germ buildup.
Marks that Survive PassivationCreate a black mark using carbon migration that survives passivation and prevents oxidation.
Meet New FDA RequirementsNew rules issued by the FDA in 2013, and going into law through 2020, specify that medical devices are required to include unique identifying numbers in order to improve patient safety and the speed of recalls.
We're used to tackling manufacturers' challenges across various industries. Take a look at some of the systems we've built to help streamline marking and traceability.
For the past two years, MECCO Expo has opened its doors to customers, partners, and the manufacturing community, showcasing our in...
Are you a firearm manufacturer trying to find the best marking solution for your product? Read more to learn about the legal requi...