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Video: Portable Dot Peen with Pneumatic Clamp


Portable dot peen marking for pipes

This featured video demonstrates a dot peen marking system that was developed for a customer who needed to mark 2" and 4" steel pipes, and wanted the ability to have the marker attach to the part so that the operator could let go.

To meet this need, Mecco modified a SuperFast portable dot peen system to include pneumatic clamps and magnets so that the user can position the marker onto the part, clamp down, and have the machine grip the part.  Then the mark will start, and allowing the user to let go while the mark is completed.

Building upon the power of the Couth SuperFast, the fastest, most reliable compact dot peen marking system available today, this system made marking pipes easier while reducing the chance for operator error.

The pneumatic grippers and magnets are designed in a way that allows the system to grip multiple size parts with the same marking system, meeting the need that the customer had for marking both 2" and 4" steel pipes.

Portable Dot Peen Marking System Specs:

- SuperFast with N-14 Marking Head

- Pneumatic Clamps to attach to pipes for marking

- Mark type: Text

- Type of part being marked: 2" - 4" steel pipe

Do you need a solution for permanently marking pipes with serial numbers, bar codes, or other important information for traceability? Contact Mecco to discuss your application and find the perfect solution for your requirements.

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