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The MECCO Blog

The MECCO Blog gives manufacturers and suppliers expertly engineered advice on lasers, marking, and traceability to help you deliver a successful project – every time.

What is a MOPA Fiber Laser?

by Joshua Christley
A MOPA fiber laser is an industrial laser engraving machine that utilizes a master oscillator and a power amplifier to generate high-power laser output with exceptional precision in controlling pulse parameters for enhanced direct part marking on plastics, metals, and clear aluminum materials.

New Safety Seal Video – Features Breakdown

Laser marking large parts typically presents a challenge in incorporating a large enclosure, but Mecco® has revolutionized the way laser marking is accomplished on the production floor. In this video, we show a breakdown of the key features of Mecco’s patented innovation, the Safety Seal. Read more

Business Profiled in New North Business Matters

The July 2013 issue of New North Business Matters features a profile of Mecco Marking & Traceability and the transformation that the company has undergone throughout its history. This transformation has seen a great change in technology for both the marking and the traceability of parts. Read more

Choosing a Marking System: Types of Laser Marks

Laser Marks
If you’re evaluating new part marking systems, there is more to consider beyond choosing a laser marker or dot peen marker. You may be wondering, what all can a laser marker do? Each technology offers different functionality that will produce different kinds of marks. Read more

Implementing a Traceability System: Benefits & Steps to Get Started

Traceability is the process for locating components and their appropriate history throughout their life. Implementing a traceability system allows for tracking all WIP and reports production, verifying processes, providing complete lot traceability, and links operator and machine to part being made. Read more